The Japan Rumble: Day 4

Things were a little bit different today. This time, the six of us – me, James Brown, James Allen, Frank Bauer, Stuart Stirling (rented the SUV) and Fidens Felix – took a drive in the country side of Fukushima. It was beautiful and you can’t get a view and cool weather like that in Malaysia, Cameron Highlands just don’t stand a chance to rival it.

We went off road, dip ourselves in the Onsen (hot spring), took some awesome pictures of the scenery… you name it. Again, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. 🙂

Stuart cruising us around… The Crew at the back… My only meal before we went for a country side drive ……

James, James, Stuart Edmund @ country side Fukushima … Don’t know what it says Frank

The rented SUV Fidens and Frank’s butt :-P Awesome view… More breath taking view

Edmund JA, Frank, JB, Edmund (me), Stuart Frank trying to help Fidens put on the seatbelt from the back Statue - off road trip

James Allen, Ruffier and Boy Scout Fidens and Edmund By the waterfall James Brown and Edmund

The group hanging around the rocks Me… again! :-) Group Photo Frank couldn’t take it anymore after hiking back up… K.O.

Barbeque, Hanging around Fukushima Town & McDonald’s

Edmund, Frank, James Allen Our group Grilling beef… More… More!

At Daikoro Uhm… you make your own guess. ;-) Wearing high socks is the only way to go At McD’s at night

To be continued…

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